Mr.Kunal Success Story | Avascular Necrosis Femoral Head | Hip Replacement Surgery in Mulund,Thane : Bone And Joint Care In Thane & Mulund

 Meet Mr Kunal Usare, 19 year old boy who suffering  from Avascular necrosis femoral head and underwent a Hip Replacement Surgery at  Bone and Joint Care Centre Thane &...

Bow legs Correction Surgery treatment India | Dr. Shailendra Patil Thane

 Please to share this amazing home recovery video shot by patient himself post his BOW LEG SURGERY CORRECTION SURGERY..It was a surprise gift for me in this covid time.....

Hip Replacement in a Kidney failure (Dialysis) patient with AVN of Hip Joint | Dr. Shailendra Patil Mulund & Thane

 oday we would like to share a very special case which highlights the fact that when a patient suffers from an immobilizing condition like AVN it’s not just the...

Partial Knee Replacement Surgery in India for Osteo arthritis of Knee | Dr. Shailendra Patil Thane

 Partial knee replacement can help patients who have been advised total knee replacement even thought only one knee component is damaged due to osteoarthritis. Take the case of Mr....

How To Refer Knees GOOD or BAD? Consult Knee Specialists in Thane To Refer It Right Or Left

If the answer is good and bad... you need to contact us today have that looked at. Ignoring recurrent knee pain can lead to severe damage of knee joints...

Bow Legs Surgery | Pains of ARTHRITIS - Successful Surgery By Dr Shailendra Patil

Born with Bow Legs, Deformed and crippled by Pains of ARTHRITIS, Brought back to life through a 2 hour surgery - MIS Total Knee Replacement surgery by Dr Shailendra...

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Thane, Maharashtra, India
Bone And Joint Care Clinic hospital provides the best orthopedic treatment. Get in touch for the best treatment with Dr. Shailendra Patil .Bone & Joint Care, it is one of our core specialties hospital in Mumbai, Thane and Mulund.